1028 dokiss
9 months ago
1 changed files with 534 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ |
/** |
* live2cms.js |
* 配置设置 {"key":"Live2CMS","name":"直播转点播V2","type":3,"api":"{{host}}/libs/live2cms.js","searchable":2,"quickSearch":0,"filterable":0,"ext":"{{host}}/txt/json/live2mv_data.json"} |
* live2mv_data.json |
* 支持m3u类直播,支持线路归并。支持筛选切换显示模式 |
[ |
{"name": "甜蜜", "url": "http://zdir.kebedd69.repl.co/public/live.txt"}, |
{"name": "俊于", "url": "http://home.jundie.top:81/Cat/tv/live.txt"}, |
{"name": "菜妮丝", "url": "http://xn--ihqu10cn4c.xn--z7x900a.love:63/TV/tvzb.txt"}, |
{"name": "布里m3u", "url": "http://jiexi.bulisite.top/m3u.php"}, |
{"name": "吾爱", "url": "http://52bsj.vip:81/api/v3/file/get/763/live.txt?sign=87BTGT1_6AOry7FPwy_uuxFTv2Wcb9aDMj46rDdRTD8%3D%3A0"}, |
{"name": "饭太硬", "url": "http://ftyyy.tk/live.txt"} |
] |
* 提示 ext文件格式为json列表,name,url参数 |
* 取消加密,减少性能问题 |
*/ |
String.prototype.rstrip = function (chars) { |
let regex = new RegExp(chars + "$"); |
return this.replace(regex, ""); |
}; |
const request_timeout = 5000; |
const RKEY = 'live2cms'; // 源的唯一标识
const VERSION = 'live2cms 20230619'; |
const UA = 'Mozilla/5.0'; //默认请求ua
const __ext = {data_dict:{}}; |
const tips = `\n道长直播转点播js-当前版本${VERSION}`; |
const def_pic = 'https://pan.shangui.cc/f/N0qlIj/9qMWp7i0D892ebDM820p.jpg'; |
/** |
* 存在数据库配置表里, key字段对应值value,没有就新增,有就更新,调用此方法会清除key对应的内存缓存 |
* @param k 键 |
* @param v 值 |
*/ |
function setItem(k,v){ |
local.set(RKEY,k,v); |
console.log(`规则${RKEY}设置${k} => ${v}`) |
} |
/** |
* 获取数据库配置表对应的key字段的value,没有这个key就返回value默认传参.需要有缓存,第一次获取后会存在内存里 |
* @param k 键 |
* @param v 值 |
* @returns {*} |
*/ |
function getItem(k,v){ |
return local.get(RKEY,k) || v; |
} |
/** |
* 删除数据库key对应的一条数据,并清除此key对应的内存缓存 |
* @param k |
*/ |
function clearItem(k){ |
local.delete(RKEY,k); |
} |
var showMode = getItem('showMode','groups'); // groups按组分类显示 all全部一条线路展示
var groupDict = JSON.parse(getItem('groupDict','{}')); // 搜索分组字典
/** |
* 打印日志 |
* @param any 任意变量 |
*/ |
function print(any){ |
any = any||''; |
if(typeof(any)=='object'&&Object.keys(any).length>0){ |
try { |
any = JSON.stringify(any); |
console.log(any); |
}catch (e) { |
// console.log('print:'+e.message);
console.log(typeof(any)+':'+any.length); |
} |
}else if(typeof(any)=='object'&&Object.keys(any).length<1){ |
console.log('null object'); |
}else{ |
console.log(any); |
} |
} |
/*** js自封装的方法 ***/ |
/** |
* 获取链接的host(带http协议的完整链接) |
* @param url 任意一个正常完整的Url,自动提取根 |
* @returns {string} |
*/ |
function getHome(url){ |
if(!url){ |
return '' |
} |
let tmp = url.split('//'); |
url = tmp[0] + '//' + tmp[1].split('/')[0]; |
try { |
url = decodeURIComponent(url); |
}catch (e) {} |
return url |
} |
/** |
* m3u直播格式转一般直播格式 |
* @param m3u |
* @returns {string} |
*/ |
function convertM3uToNormal(m3u) { |
try { |
const lines = m3u.split('\n'); |
let result = ''; |
let TV=''; |
// let flag='#genre#';
let flag='#m3u#'; |
let currentGroupTitle = ''; |
lines.forEach((line) => { |
if (line.startsWith('#EXTINF:')) { |
const groupTitle = line.split('"')[1].trim(); |
TV= line.split('"')[2].substring(1); |
if (currentGroupTitle !== groupTitle) { |
currentGroupTitle = groupTitle; |
result += `\n${currentGroupTitle},${flag}\n`; |
} |
} else if (line.startsWith('http')) { |
const splitLine = line.split(','); |
result += `${TV}\,${splitLine[0]}\n`; |
} |
}); |
return result.trim(); |
}catch (e) { |
print(`m3u直播转普通直播发生错误:${e.message}`); |
return m3u |
} |
} |
/** |
* 线路归类 |
* @param arr |
* @returns {*[][]} |
*/ |
function merge(arr) { |
var parse = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : ''; |
var p = []; |
if (parse !== '' && typeof(parse)=="function") { |
p = arr.map(parse); |
} |
const createEmptyArrays = (length) => Array.from({ |
length |
}, () => []); |
let lists = createEmptyArrays(arr.length); |
let sl = createEmptyArrays(arr.length); |
(p.length ? p : arr).forEach((k, index) => { |
var i = 0; |
while (sl[i].includes(k)) { |
i = i + 1 |
} |
sl[i].push(k); |
lists[i].push(arr[index]); |
}) |
lists=lists.filter(x=>x.some(k=>k.length)); |
return lists |
} |
/** |
* 线路归类/小棉袄算法 |
* @param arr 数组 |
* @param parse 解析式 |
* @returns {[[*]]} |
*/ |
function splitArray(arr,parse) { |
parse = parse&&typeof(parse)=='function'?parse:''; |
let result = [[arr[0]]]; |
for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { |
let index = -1; |
for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { |
if (parse&&result[j].map(parse).includes(parse(arr[i]))) { |
index = j; |
}else if((!parse) && result[j].includes(arr[i])){ |
index = j; |
} |
} |
if (index >= result.length - 1) { |
result.push([]); |
result[result.length - 1].push(arr[i]); |
} else { |
result[index + 1].push(arr[i]); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
/** |
* 搜索结果生成分组字典 |
* @param arr |
* @param parse x=>x.split(',')[0] |
* @returns {{}} |
*/ |
function gen_group_dict(arr,parse){ |
let dict = {}; |
arr.forEach((it)=>{ |
let k = it.split(',')[0]; |
if(parse && typeof(parse)==='function'){ |
k = parse(k); |
} |
if(!dict[k]){ |
dict[k] = [it] |
}else{ |
dict[k].push(it); |
} |
}); |
return dict |
} |
const http = function (url, options = {}) { |
if(options.method ==='POST' && options.data){ |
options.body = JSON.stringify(options.data); |
options.headers = Object.assign({'content-type':'application/json'}, options.headers); |
} |
options.timeout = request_timeout; |
if(!options.headers){ |
options.headers = {}; |
} |
let keys = Object.keys(options.headers).map(it=>it.toLowerCase()); |
if(!keys.includes('referer')){ |
options.headers['Referer'] = getHome(url); |
} |
if(!keys.includes('user-agent')){ |
options.headers['User-Agent'] = UA; |
} |
console.log(JSON.stringify(options.headers)); |
try { |
const res = req(url, options); |
// if(options.headers['Authorization']){
// console.log(res.content);
// }
res.json = () => res&&res.content ? JSON.parse(res.content) : null; |
res.text = () => res&&res.content ? res.content:''; |
return res |
}catch (e) { |
return { |
json() { |
return null |
}, text() { |
return '' |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
["get", "post"].forEach(method => { |
http[method] = function (url, options = {}) { |
return http(url, Object.assign(options, {method: method.toUpperCase()})); |
} |
}); |
function init(ext) { |
console.log("当前版本号:"+VERSION); |
let data; |
if (typeof ext == 'object'){ |
data = ext; |
print('live ext:object'); |
} else if (typeof ext == 'string') { |
if (ext.startsWith('http')) { |
let ext_paramas = ext.split(';'); |
let data_url = ext_paramas[0]; |
print(data_url); |
data = http.get(data_url).json(); |
} |
} |
print(data); |
__ext.data = data; |
print('init执行完毕'); |
} |
function home(filter) { |
let classes = __ext.data.map(it => ({ |
type_id: it.url, |
type_name: it.name, |
})); |
print("----home----"); |
let filter_dict = {}; |
let filters = [ |
{'key': 'show', 'name': '播放展示', 'value': [{'n': '多线路分组', 'v': 'groups'},{'n': '单线路', 'v': 'all'}]} |
]; |
classes.forEach(it=>{ |
filter_dict[it.type_id] = filters; |
}); |
print(classes); |
return JSON.stringify({ 'class': classes,'filters': filter_dict}); |
} |
function homeVod(params) { |
let _get_url = __ext.data[0].url; |
let html; |
if(__ext.data_dict[_get_url]){ |
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url]; |
}else{ |
html = http.get(_get_url).text(); |
if(/#EXTM3U/.test(html)){ |
html = convertM3uToNormal(html); |
} |
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html; |
} |
// let arr = html.match(/.*?,#[\s\S].*?#/g);
let arr = html.match(/.*?[,,]#[\s\S].*?#/g); // 可能存在中文逗号
let _list = []; |
try { |
arr.forEach(it=>{ |
let vname = it.split(/[,,]/)[0]; |
let vtab = it.match(/#(.*?)#/)[0]; |
_list.push({ |
vod_name:vname, |
vod_id:_get_url+'$'+vname, |
vod_pic:def_pic, |
vod_remarks:vtab, |
}); |
}); |
}catch (e) { |
print('Live2cms获取首页推荐发送错误:'+e.message); |
} |
return JSON.stringify({ 'list': _list }); |
} |
function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) { |
let fl = filter?extend:{}; |
if(fl.show){ |
showMode = fl.show; |
setItem('showMode',showMode); |
} |
if(parseInt(pg)>1){ |
return JSON.stringify({ |
'list': [], |
}); |
} |
let _get_url = tid; |
let html; |
if(__ext.data_dict[_get_url]){ |
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url]; |
}else{ |
html = http.get(_get_url).text(); |
if(/#EXTM3U/.test(html)){ |
html = convertM3uToNormal(html); |
} |
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html; |
} |
// let arr = html.match(/.*?[,,]#[\s\S].*?#/g);
let arr = html.match(/.*?[,,]#[\s\S].*?#/g); // 可能存在中文逗号
let _list = []; |
try { |
arr.forEach(it=>{ |
let vname = it.split(/[,,]/)[0]; |
let vtab = it.match(/#(.*?)#/)[0]; |
_list.push({ |
// vod_name:it.split(',')[0],
vod_name:vname, |
vod_id:_get_url+'$'+vname, |
vod_pic:def_pic, |
vod_remarks:vtab, |
}); |
}); |
}catch (e) { |
print('Live2cms获取一级分类页发生错误:'+e.message); |
} |
return JSON.stringify({ |
'page': 1, |
'pagecount': 1, |
'limit': _list.length, |
'total': _list.length, |
'list': _list, |
}); |
} |
function detail(tid) { // ⛵ 港•澳•台
let _get_url = tid.split('$')[0]; |
let _tab = tid.split('$')[1]; |
if(tid.includes('#search#')){ |
let vod_name = _tab.replace('#search#',''); |
let vod_play_from = '来自搜索'; |
vod_play_from+=`:${_get_url}`; |
// let vod_play_url = vod_name+'$'+_get_url;
// print(vod_play_url);
let vod_play_url = groupDict[_get_url].map(x=>x.replace(',','$')).join('#'); |
return JSON.stringify({ |
list: [{ |
vod_id: tid, |
vod_name: '搜索:'+vod_name, |
type_name: "直播列表", |
vod_pic: def_pic, |
vod_content: tid, |
vod_play_from: vod_play_from, |
vod_play_url: vod_play_url, |
vod_director: tips, |
vod_remarks: `道长直播转点播js-当前版本${VERSION}`, |
}] |
}); |
} |
let html; |
if(__ext.data_dict[_get_url]){ |
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url]; |
}else{ |
html = http.get(_get_url).text(); |
if(/#EXTM3U/.test(html)){ |
html = convertM3uToNormal(html); |
} |
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html; |
} |
// let a = new RegExp(`.*?${_tab},#[\\s\\S].*?#`);
let a = new RegExp(`.*?${_tab.replace('(','\\(').replace(')','\\)')}[,,]#[\\s\\S].*?#`); |
let b = html.match(a)[0]; |
let c = html.split(b)[1]; |
if(c.match(/.*?[,,]#[\s\S].*?#/)){ |
let d = c.match(/.*?[,,]#[\s\S].*?#/)[0]; |
c = c.split(d)[0]; |
} |
let arr = c.trim().split('\n'); |
let _list = []; |
arr.forEach((it)=>{ |
if(it.trim()){ |
let t = it.trim().split(',')[0]; |
let u = it.trim().split(',')[1]; |
_list.push(t+'$'+u); |
} |
}); |
let vod_name = __ext.data.find(x=>x.url===_get_url).name; |
let vod_play_url; |
let vod_play_from; |
if(showMode==='groups'){ |
let groups = splitArray(_list,x=>x.split('$')[0]); |
let tabs = []; |
for(let i=0;i<groups.length;i++){ |
if(i===0){ |
tabs.push(vod_name+'1') |
}else{ |
tabs.push(` ${i+1} `) |
} |
} |
vod_play_url = groups.map(it=>it.join('#')).join('$$$'); |
vod_play_from = tabs.join('$$$'); |
}else{ |
vod_play_url = _list.join('#'); |
vod_play_from = vod_name; |
} |
let vod = { |
vod_id: tid, |
vod_name: vod_name+'|'+_tab, |
type_name: "直播列表", |
vod_pic: def_pic, |
vod_content: tid, |
vod_play_from: vod_play_from, |
vod_play_url: vod_play_url, |
vod_director: tips, |
vod_remarks: `道长直播转点播js-当前版本${VERSION}`, |
}; |
return JSON.stringify({ |
list: [vod] |
}); |
} |
function play(flag, id, flags) { |
let vod = { |
'parse': /m3u8/.test(id)?0:1, |
'playUrl': '', |
'url': id |
}; |
print(vod); |
return JSON.stringify(vod); |
} |
function search(wd, quick) { |
let _get_url = __ext.data[0].url; |
let html; |
if(__ext.data_dict[_get_url]){ |
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url]; |
}else{ |
html = http.get(_get_url).text(); |
if(/#EXTM3U/.test(html)){ |
html = convertM3uToNormal(html); |
} |
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html; |
} |
let str=''; |
Object.keys(__ext.data_dict).forEach(()=>{ |
str+=__ext.data_dict[_get_url]; |
}); |
let links = str.split('\n').filter(it=>it.trim() && it.includes(',') && it.split(',')[1].trim().startsWith('http')); |
links = links.map(it=>it.trim()); |
let plays = Array.from(new Set(links)); |
print('搜索关键词:'+wd); |
print('过滤前:'+plays.length); |
plays = plays.filter(it=>it.includes(wd)); |
print('过滤后:'+plays.length); |
print(plays); |
let new_group = gen_group_dict(plays); |
groupDict = Object.assign(groupDict,new_group); |
// 搜索分组结果存至本地方便二级调用
setItem('groupDict',JSON.stringify(groupDict)); |
let _list = []; |
// plays.forEach((it)=>{
// _list.push({
// 'vod_name':it.split(',')[0],
// 'vod_id':it.split(',')[1].trim()+'$'+it.split(',')[0].trim()+'#search#',
// 'vod_pic':def_pic,
// })
// });
Object.keys(groupDict).forEach((it)=>{ |
_list.push({ |
'vod_name':it, |
'vod_id':it+'$'+wd+'#search#', |
'vod_pic':def_pic, |
}); |
}); |
return JSON.stringify({ |
'list': _list |
}); |
} |
// 导出函数对象
export default { |
init: init, |
home: home, |
homeVod: homeVod, |
category: category, |
detail: detail, |
play: play, |
search: search |
} |
Reference in new issue