1028 dokiss
9 months ago
1 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ |
#coding=utf-8 |
#!/usr/bin/python |
import sys |
sys.path.append('..') |
from base.spider import Spider |
import re |
import math |
import json |
import time |
import hashlib |
import uuid |
class Spider(Spider): # 元类 默认的元类 type |
def getName(self): |
return "1905电影网" |
def init(self,extend=""): |
pass |
def isVideoFormat(self,url): |
pass |
def manualVideoCheck(self): |
pass |
def homeContent(self,filter): |
result = {} |
cateManual = { |
"电影": "n_1/o3p", |
"微电影":"n_1_c_922/o3p", |
"系列电影":"n_2/o3p", |
"记录片":"c_927/o3p", |
"晚会":"n_1_c_586/o3p", |
"独家":"n_1_c_178/o3p", |
"综艺":"n_1_c_1024/o3p", |
"体育":"n_1_c_1053/o3p" |
} |
classes = [] |
for k in cateManual: |
classes.append({ |
'type_name':k, |
'type_id':cateManual[k] |
}) |
result['class'] = classes |
return result |
def homeVideoContent(self): |
result = {} |
url = 'https://www.1905.com/vod/cctv6/lst/' |
headers = { |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.43', |
'Referer': 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p1.html', |
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' |
} |
rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=headers) |
html = self.html(rsp.text) |
aList = html.xpath("//div[@class='grid-2x']/a") |
videos = [] |
for a in aList: |
aid = a.xpath("./@href")[0] #https://www.1905.com/vod/play/85646.shtml |
if '//vip.1905.com' in str(aid): |
continue #跳过VIP视频 |
aid = self.regStr(reg=r'play/(.*?).sh', src=aid) # 85646 |
img = a.xpath('./img/@src')[0] |
title = a.xpath('./img/@alt')[0] |
videos.append({ |
"vod_id": aid, |
"vod_name": title, |
"vod_pic": img, |
"vod_remarks": '' |
}) |
result['list'] = videos |
return result |
def categoryContent(self,tid,pg,filter,extend): |
result = {} |
url = 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/{}{}.html'.format(tid, pg) |
headers = { |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.43', |
'Referer': 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p1.html', |
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' |
} |
rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=headers) |
html = self.html(rsp.text) |
aList = html.xpath("//section[contains(@class,'search-list')]/div/a" if tid != u'n_2/o3p' else "//div[@class='mod']/div[1]/a") |
videos = [] |
limit = len(aList) |
for a in aList: |
aid = a.xpath("./@href")[0] # https://www.1905.com/vod/play/85646.shtml |
aid = self.regStr(reg=r'play/(.*?).sh', src=aid) # 85646 |
img = a.xpath('./img/@src')[0] |
title = a.xpath('./@title')[0] |
videos.append({ |
"vod_id": aid, |
"vod_name": title, |
"vod_pic": img, |
"vod_remarks": '' |
}) |
result['list'] = videos |
result['page'] = pg |
result['pagecount'] = 100 |
result['limit'] = limit |
result['total'] = 100 * limit |
return result |
def detailContent(self,array): |
aid = array[0] |
url = "https://www.1905.com/api/content/?callback=&m=Vod&a=getVodSidebar&id={0}&fomat=json".format(aid) |
rsp = self.fetch(url) |
root = json.loads(rsp.text) |
title = root['title'] |
pic = root['thumb'] |
remark = root['commendreason'] |
content = root['description'] |
actor = root['starring'] |
direct = root['direct'] |
vod = { |
"vod_id": aid, |
"vod_name": title, |
"vod_pic": pic, |
"type_name": "", |
"vod_year": "", |
"vod_area": "", |
"vod_remarks": remark, |
"vod_actor": actor, |
"vod_director":direct, |
"vod_content": content |
} |
vodItems = [] |
vodItems.append(title + "$" + aid) |
#处理多集的电影 |
series = root['info']['series_data'] |
for ser in series: |
vodItems.append(ser['title'] + "$" + ser['contentid']) |
playList = [] |
joinStr = '#'.join(vodItems) |
playList.append(joinStr) |
vod['vod_play_from'] = '默认最高画质' |
vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(playList) |
result = { |
'list': [ |
vod |
] |
} |
return result |
def searchContent(self,key,quick): |
result = {} |
url = 'https://www.1905.com/search/index-p-type-all-q-{}.html'.format(key) |
headers = { |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.43', |
'Referer': 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p1.html', |
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' |
} |
rsp = self.fetch(url, headers=headers) |
html = self.html(rsp.text) |
aList = html.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'movie_box')]/div/div") |
videos = [] |
for a in aList: |
aid = a.xpath("./div/ul/li[contains(@class,'paly-tab-icon')]/a/@href")[0] #https://www.1905.com/vod/play/85646.shtml |
if len(aid) == 0: |
continue |
aid = self.regStr(reg=r'play/(.*?).sh', src=aid) # 85646 |
img = a.xpath('./div/div/a/img/@src')[0] |
title = a.xpath('./div/a/img/@alt')[0] |
videos.append({ |
"vod_id": aid, |
"vod_name": title, |
"vod_pic": img, |
"vod_remarks": '' |
}) |
result['list'] = videos |
return result |
def playerContent(self,flag,id,vipFlags): |
result = {} |
nonce = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) |
expiretime = nonce + 600 |
uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
playerid = uid.replace("-", "")[5:20] |
signature = 'cid={0}&expiretime={1}&nonce={2}&page=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.1905.com%2Fvod%2Fplay%2F{3}.shtml&playerid={4}&type=hls&uuid={5}.dde3d61a0411511d'.format(id,expiretime,nonce,id,playerid,uid) |
signature = hashlib.sha1(signature.encode()).hexdigest() |
url = 'https://profile.m1905.com/mvod/getVideoinfo.php?nonce={0}&expiretime={1}&cid={2}&uuid={3}&playerid={4}&page=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.1905.com%2Fvod%2Fplay%2F{5}.shtml&type=hls&signature={6}&callback='.format(nonce,expiretime,id,uid,playerid,id,signature) |
headers = { |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/117.0.2045.43', |
'Referer': 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p1.html', |
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7' |
} |
rsp = self.fetch(url,headers=headers) |
jo = json.loads(rsp.text.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")) |
data = jo['data']['sign'] |
sign = '' |
qualityStr = '' |
if 'uhd' in data.keys(): |
sign = data['uhd']['sign'] |
qualityStr = 'uhd' |
elif 'hd' in data.keys(): |
sign = data['hd']['sign'] |
qualityStr = 'hd' |
elif 'sd' in data.keys(): |
sign = data['sd']['sign'] |
qualityStr = 'sd' |
host = jo['data']['quality'][qualityStr]['host'] |
path = jo['data']['path'][qualityStr]['path'] |
playUrl = host + sign + path |
result["parse"] = 0 |
result["playUrl"] = '' |
result["url"] = playUrl |
result["header"] = '' |
return result |
config = { |
"player": {}, |
"filter": {} |
} |
header = {} |
def localProxy(self,param): |
return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""] |
Reference in new issue