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8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
  1. {
  2. "站名": "茶杯狐",
  3. "主页url": "",
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  7. "链接": "href=\"&&\"",
  8. "嗅探词": ".m3u8?",
  9. "过滤词": "/hls/#php",
  10. "副标题": "<div class=\"movie-rating cor4\">&&</div>",
  11. "搜索url": "{wd}",
  12. "搜索模式": "1",
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  17. "搜索副标题": "<div class=\"movie-rating cor4\">&&</div>",
  18. "搜索后缀": "/view/",
  19. "线路数组": "<div class=\"swiper-wrapper&&/a>",
  20. "线路标题": ">&&</a",
  21. "状态": "地区:&&</p>",
  22. "导演": "导演:&&</p>",
  23. "主演": "主演:&&</p>",
  24. "简介": "请勿相信影片中的广告,以免上当受骗。+简介:&&</div>",
  25. "播放列表": "<a&&/a>",
  26. "播放标题": ">&&<",
  27. "播放链接": "href=\"&&\"",
  28. "免嗅": "0",
  29. "分类": "电影$1#电视剧$2#综艺$3#动漫$4#美剧$16",
  30. "分类url": "{area}/by/{by}/class/{class}/id/{cateId}/page/{catePg}/year/{year}.html"
  31. }