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6 months ago
  1. <template>
  2. <view>
  3. <view class="tabr" :style="{top:headerTop}">
  4. <view :class="{on:typeClass=='valid'}" @tap="switchType('valid')">提现申请</view><view :class="{on:typeClass=='invalid'}" @tap="switchType('invalid')">提现记录</view>
  5. <view class="border" :class="typeClass"></view>
  6. </view>
  7. <view class="place" ></view>
  8. <view class="list">
  9. <!-- 申请提现 -->
  10. <view class="sub-list valid" :class="subState">
  11. <view class="txmain">
  12. <view class="moneytitle">可提现金额<span>{{userinfo['yue']}}</span></view>
  13. <view class="moneytip">提现金额<input type="text" v-model="inputAmount" placeholder="输入提现金额" @input='inputamountchange'/><view class="all" @click="settmoney()">全部</view></view>
  14. <view class="btnContent">
  15. <view
  16. class="btn df"
  17. @click="submit"
  18. >提交</view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. </view>
  22. <view class="sub-list invalid" :class="subState">
  23. <view class="listtitle">
  24. <view class="listmoney">提现金额</view>
  25. <view class="listtime">申请时间</view>
  26. <view class="liststate">状态</view>
  27. </view>
  28. <view class="tis" v-if="couponValidList.length==0">暂无数据~</view>
  29. <view class="row" v-for="(row,index) in couponValidList" :key="index" >
  30. <view class="listvalue">
  31. <view class="valuemoney">{{}}</view>
  32. <view class="valuetime">{{row.addtime}}</view>
  33. <view class="valuestate">{{row.state == 1?'已提现':(row.state == 2?'已拒绝':'待到账') }}</view>
  34. </view>
  35. </view>
  36. </view>
  37. </view>
  38. </view>
  39. </template>
  40. <script>
  41. export default {
  42. data() {
  43. return {
  44. showcan:false,
  45. inputAmount:'',//金额
  46. getmoney:20,
  47. userinfo:[],
  48. couponValidList:[],
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  50. //控制滑动效果
  51. typeClass:'valid',
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  62. setTimeout(function () {
  63. uni.stopPullDownRefresh();
  64. }, 1000);
  65. },
  66. onLoad(option) {
  67. let getphone = parseInt(;
  68. let getuserinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo');
  69. this.getuserinfo(getuserinfo.uid,getuserinfo.aid);
  70. //兼容H5下排序栏位置
  71. // #ifdef H5
  72. //定时器方式循环获取高度为止,这么写的原因是onLoad中head未必已经渲染出来。
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  80. // #endif
  81. },
  82. methods: {
  83. async getuserinfo(uid,aid) {
  84. let reinfo=await this.$api.userinfo({action:'userinfo',uid:uid,aid:aid});
  87. },
  88. //提现列表
  89. async tixlist(uid,aid){
  90. let info= await this.$api.tixlist({action:'tixlist',uid:uid,aid:aid});
  92. },
  93. //申请提现
  94. async sqtixian(uid,money,aid){
  95. let info= await this.$api.sqtixian({action:'sqtixian',uid:uid,sqmoney:money,aid:aid});
  96. if(info.code==1){
  97. uni.showModal({
  98. title: '成功提示',
  99. content: info.msg,
  100. confirmText: '确定',
  101. showCancel:this.showcan,
  102. success: function(res) {
  103. if (res.confirm) {
  104. uni.navigateBack({
  105. delta:1
  106. })
  107. }
  108. }
  109. });
  110. }else{
  111. uni.showToast({title:info.msg,duration:1500,icon:'none'});
  112. }
  113. },
  114. inputamountchange(val){
  115. if(>this.getmoney){
  116. uni.showToast({title:'提现金额不可超过余额',duration:1500,icon:'none'});
  117. this.inputAmount=this.getmoney
  118. }
  119. console.log(,'输入')
  120. },
  121. settmoney(){
  122. this.inputAmount=this.getmoney
  123. },
  124. submit(){
  125. let t=this;
  126. let getuserinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo');
  127. if(this.inputAmount<=0){
  128. uni.showToast({title:'提现金额无效',duration:1500,icon:'none'});
  129. return '';
  130. }
  131. uni.showModal({
  132. title: '温馨提示',
  133. content: '提现金额为:'+this.inputAmount,
  134. confirmText: '确定',
  135. success: function(res) {
  136. if (res.confirm) {
  137. t.sqtixian(getuserinfo.uid,t.inputAmount,getuserinfo.aid)
  138. }
  139. }
  140. });
  141. },
  142. switchType(type){
  143. if(this.typeClass==type){
  144. return ;
  145. }
  146. let getuserinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo')
  147. this.tixlist(getuserinfo.uid,getuserinfo.aid);
  148. this.getuserinfo(getuserinfo.uid);
  149. uni.pageScrollTo({
  150. scrollTop:0,
  151. duration:0
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