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6 months ago
  1. //商家信息
  2. const storeData = {
  3. //商家唯一标识
  4. storeId: '168',
  5. //商家名称
  6. storeName: '小太阳商店',
  7. //头像
  8. avatar: '/static/face/face_2.jpg',
  9. //横幅图片
  10. banner: '/static/goods/banner.jpg',
  11. //商家住址
  12. address: '新疆阿克苏是他北路2号',
  13. //配送时间
  14. deliveryTime: '11:00~20:30',
  15. //联系电话
  16. telephone: '18299989916',
  17. //商家购物车
  18. shoppingCart: [],
  19. //配送费
  20. shippingDees: 0,
  21. //配送起步价
  22. startingPrice:30
  23. };
  24. //评论数据
  25. const commentData = [{
  26. header_img: "/static/face/face_4.jpg",
  27. user_name: "测试1",
  28. rate:5,
  29. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  30. content: "好评",
  31. imgs:[
  32. '/static/goods/1.jpg',
  33. '/static/goods/3.jpg',
  34. '/static/goods/4.jpg',
  35. '/static/goods/5.jpg'
  36. ]
  37. },
  38. {
  39. content: "中评",
  40. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  41. header_img: "/static/face/face_5.jpg",
  42. user_name: "测试2",
  43. rate:4,
  44. // imgs:[]
  45. },
  46. {
  47. content: "",
  48. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  49. header_img: "/static/face/face_6.jpg",
  50. user_name: "测试3",
  51. rate:2,
  52. // imgs:[]
  53. },{
  54. content: "好评",
  55. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  56. header_img: "/static/face/face_7.jpg",
  57. user_name: "小蚂蚁",
  58. rate:5,
  59. imgs:[
  60. '/static/goods/7.jpg',
  61. '/static/goods/8.jpg',
  62. '/static/goods/9.jpg',
  63. '/static/goods/10.jpg'
  64. ]
  65. },
  66. {
  67. content: "中评",
  68. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  69. header_img: "/static/face/face_8.jpg",
  70. user_name: "沙漠骆驼",
  71. rate:3.5,
  72. // imgs:[]
  73. },
  74. {
  75. content: "",
  76. create_time: "2019.04.12",
  77. header_img: "/static/face/face_9.jpg",
  78. user_name: "莫思",
  79. rate:2.3,
  80. // imgs:[]
  81. }];
  82. //商品数据
  83. const goodsData= [{
  84. id: 1,
  85. type_id:1,
  86. name:'白果王水果沙拉',
  87. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  88. img:'/static/goods/9.jpg',
  89. price:"9",
  90. oldprice:"100"
  91. },
  92. {
  93. id: 2,
  94. type_id:2,
  95. name:'精品烤山药',
  96. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  97. img: '/static/goods/10.jpg',
  98. price:"8",
  99. oldprice:"100"
  100. },
  101. {
  102. id: 3,
  103. type_id:2,
  104. name:'川味毛血旺',
  105. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  106. img: '/static/goods/11.jpg',
  107. price:"4",
  108. oldprice:""
  109. },
  110. {
  111. id: 4,
  112. type_id:3,
  113. name:'吐鲁番烤全羊',
  114. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  115. img: '/static/goods/4.jpg',
  116. price:"4",
  117. oldprice:""
  118. },
  119. {
  120. id: 5,
  121. type_id:3,
  122. name:'红烧肉',
  123. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  124. img: '/static/goods/5.jpg',
  125. price:"4",
  126. oldprice:""
  127. },
  128. {
  129. id: 6,
  130. type_id:4,
  131. name:'新疆特色辣子鸡',
  132. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  133. img: '/static/goods/6.jpg',
  134. price:"4",
  135. oldprice:""
  136. },
  137. {
  138. id: 7,
  139. type_id:5,
  140. name:'绝味海鲜拼盘',
  141. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  142. img: '/static/goods/7.jpg',
  143. price:"4",
  144. oldprice:""
  145. },
  146. {
  147. id: 8,
  148. type_id:5,
  149. name:'金色香糯大粽子',
  150. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  151. img: '/static/goods/3.jpg',
  152. price:"4",
  153. oldprice:""
  154. },
  155. {
  156. id: 9,
  157. type_id:5,
  158. name:'马梓林香香鸡',
  159. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  160. img: '/static/goods/2.jpg',
  161. price:"4",
  162. oldprice:""
  163. },
  164. {
  165. id: 10,
  166. type_id:6,
  167. name:'草莓味莫普氏蛋糕',
  168. descripe:"脆糯营养,口感好,健康绿色",
  169. img: '/static/goods/1.jpg',
  170. price:"4",
  171. oldprice:""
  172. }];
  173. //商品种类数据
  174. const categoryData = [
  175. {id: 1,name: '烧烤'},
  176. {id: 2,name: '生鲜'},
  177. {id: 3,name: '绿蔬'},
  178. {id: 4,name: '肉类'},
  179. {id: 5,name: '川味'},
  180. {id: 6,name: '粤菜'},
  181. {id: 7,name: '湘菜'},
  182. {id: 8,name: '西餐'},
  183. {id: 9,name: '饮料'},
  184. {id: 10,name: '糕点'},
  185. {id: 11,name: '凉菜'},
  186. {id: 12,name: '火锅'},
  187. {id: 13,name: '干锅'}
  188. ];
  189. //商品详细
  190. const goodsInfo = {
  191. //商品id
  192. id: 1,
  193. //商品类id
  194. type_id:1,
  195. //商品名称
  196. name:'新疆特色辣子鸡排饭',
  197. //商品描述-就是掌柜描述,
  198. descripe:"口味可以自己选,有香辣、蒜香、葱香、孜然、老麻口味",
  199. //主图
  200. img:'/static/face/face_5.jpg',
  201. //滚动图片
  202. banner_img:['/static/goods/4.jpg','/static/goods/5.jpg','/static/goods/6.jpg'],
  203. //现价
  204. price:"23",
  205. //原价
  206. oldprice:"44",
  207. //月销售
  208. monthly_sales: "566",
  209. //商品标签
  210. goods_tag:['约800克','香辣','特色菜','营养美食'],
  211. //详情
  212. detail:[
  213. {
  214. tit:'掌柜描述',
  215. txt:'口味可以自己选,有香辣、蒜香、葱香、孜然、老麻口味',
  216. },{
  217. tit:'主料',
  218. txt:'鸡胸排,大葱',
  219. },{
  220. tit:'菜系',
  221. txt:'新疆特色菜',
  222. },{
  223. tit:'口味',
  224. txt:'香辣',
  225. }
  226. //......更多
  227. ],
  228. //图文
  229. desc: `
  230. <div style="width:100%">
  231. <img style="width:100%;display:block;" src="/static/goods/5.jpg" />
  232. <img style="width:100%;display:block;" src="/static/goods/6.jpg" />
  233. <img style="width:100%;display:block;" src="/static/goods/7.jpg" />
  234. <img style="width:100%;display:block;" src="/static/goods/8.jpg" />
  235. <img style="width:100%;display:block;" src="/static/goods/9.jpg" />
  236. </div>
  237. `,
  238. };
  239. //商品评价
  240. const goodsEva = {
  241. //总评价数
  242. sum: '386',
  243. //好评
  244. praise: '306',
  245. //差评
  246. bad_review: '80',
  247. //评价标签
  248. eva_tag: {
  249. //有图
  250. 'exist_pic': '62',
  251. //赞
  252. 'appreciate': '96',
  253. //踩
  254. 'oppose': '16',
  255. //其他标签
  256. 'other': ['92%人口味满意','300人希望再次购买']
  257. },
  258. eva_list: [
  259. {
  260. //用户名
  261. name: '白色的太阳',
  262. //头像
  263. avatar: '/static/face/face_4.jpg',
  264. //评论时间
  265. time: '2020.03.12',
  266. //点赞或踩商品,没有投票【0】、赞【1】、踩【2】
  267. point: 1,
  268. //评价内容
  269. content: "味道好极了,家里人超爱吃,希望下次能多放点辣椒,我们家吃辣",
  270. //上传的图片
  271. pic: ['/static/goods/7.jpg','/static/goods/8.jpg','/static/goods/9.jpg']
  272. },
  273. {
  274. //用户名
  275. name: '匿名用户',
  276. //头像
  277. avatar: '/static/face/face_2.jpg',
  278. //评论时间
  279. time: '2020.03.16',
  280. //点赞或踩商品,没有投票【0】、赞【1】、踩【2】
  281. point: 2,
  282. //评价内容
  283. content: "",
  284. //上传的图片
  285. pic: []
  286. },
  287. {
  288. //用户名
  289. name: '匿名用户',
  290. //头像
  291. avatar: '/static/face/face_3.jpg',
  292. //评论时间
  293. time: '2020.03.16',
  294. //点赞或踩商品,没有投票【0】、赞【1】、踩【2】
  295. point: 0,
  296. //评价内容
  297. content: "一般般",
  298. //上传的图片
  299. pic: []
  300. },
  301. ]
  302. }
  303. export default {
  304. storeData,
  305. commentData,
  306. goodsData,
  307. categoryData,
  308. goodsInfo,
  309. goodsEva
  310. }