<template> <view class="hx-jump-ball"> <view class="ballBox" :animation="ballBoxAnimationData" :style="{'z-index':index}"> <view class="ballOuter" :animation="ballOuterAnimationData" :style="{width:ballWidth*2 + 'upx',height:ballHeight*2 + 'upx','background-color':backgroundColor,'background-image': backgroundImage ?`url(${backgroundImage})`: ''}"> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> export default { name: "hx-jump-ball", data() { return { flag: false, ballBoxAnimation: null, ballOuterAnimation: null, ballBoxAnimationData: {}, ballOuterAnimationData: {}, }; }, props: { //小球宽度
ballWidth: { type: Number, default: 15 }, //小球高度
ballHeight: { type: Number, default: 15 }, //小球颜色
backgroundColor: { type: String, default: "reg" }, //图片
backgroundImage: { type: String, default: "" }, //小球的堆叠顺序
index: { type: Number, default: 0 }, //开始动画
start: { type: Number, default: 1 }, //html元素class名称,[起点元素,终点元素]
element:{ type: Array, default(){ return [] } }, //下落速度 ms毫秒
speed:{ type: Number, default: 800 }, //贝塞尔曲线
bezier:{ type: String, default: "cubic-bezier(.6,-0.63,.94,.71)" } }, watch:{ start(val,oldVal) { var that = this; if(!that.element){ return; } if(this.flag){ return; } that.flag = !that.flag; that.getElementCoordinate(that.element[0],that.element[1]); } }, created() { this.ballBoxAnimation = uni.createAnimation({ duration: 0, timingFunction: this.bezier, delay: 0 }); this.ballOuterAnimation = uni.createAnimation({ duration: 0, timingFunction: "linear", delay: 0 }); this.setEnd(); //初始化位置
}, methods:{ //获取元素坐标
getElementCoordinate(startElement,endElement){ let that = this; const query = uni.createSelectorQuery(); let nodesRef = query.select(startElement); nodesRef.fields({ id: true, rect: true, size: true }, res => { if(!res){ that.flag = !that.flag; that.$emit("msg",{code: 100, error: '未获取到起始元素位置'}) return ; } const SLeft = res.left + ((res.width + that.ballWidth ) / 2 - that.ballWidth); const STop = res.bottom - ((res.height - that.ballHeight ) / 2 + that.ballHeight); let nodesRef2 = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(endElement); nodesRef2.fields({ id: true, rect: true, size: true }, res2 => { if(!res2){ that.$emit("msg",{code: 101, error: '未获取到结束元素位置'}) return ; } //计算出元素的中心坐标
let ELeft = res2.left + ((res2.width + that.ballWidth ) / 2 - that.ballWidth); let ETop = res2.bottom - ((res2.height - that.ballHeight ) / 2 + that.ballHeight); //初始化位置
that.setStart(SLeft,STop,ELeft,ETop); that.startAnimation(SLeft,STop,ELeft,ETop); }).exec() }).exec() }, //开始动画
startAnimation(SLeft,STop,ELeft,ETop){ let that = this; let jumpDistance = SLeft - ELeft; setTimeout(function() { that.setEnd(); that.flag = !that.flag; that.$emit("msg",{code:0,status:true}); }, 100 + that.speed); // 暂时注释掉,待uniapp修复bug后再调整
// this.ballBoxAnimation.translate3d(ELeft,STop,0).step({duration: 800});
// this.ballBoxAnimation.translate3d(ELeft,ETop,0).step({duration: 800});
// this.ballBoxAnimationData = this.ballBoxAnimation.export();
// console.log('根坐标执行玩');
// //相对根的坐标
// this.ballOuterAnimation.translate3d(jumpDistance,0,0).step({duration: 800});
// this.ballOuterAnimation.translate3d(0,0,0).step({duration: 800});
// this.ballOuterAnimationData = this.ballOuterAnimation.export();
// console.log('相对根的坐标');
// setTimeout(function() {
// console.log("动画完成");
// that.flag = !that.flag;
// }, 800);
//因为uniapp step()有bug,所以必须要延时执行
setTimeout(function() { //根坐标
that.ballBoxAnimation.opacity(1).translate3d(ELeft,ETop,0).step({duration: that.speed}); that.ballBoxAnimationData = that.ballBoxAnimation.export(); //相对根的坐标
that.ballOuterAnimation.opacity(1).translate3d(0,0,0).step({duration: that.speed}); that.ballOuterAnimationData = that.ballOuterAnimation.export(); }, 50); }, //动画开始前初始化小球位置并显示小球
setStart(SLeft,STop,ELeft,ETop){ this.ballBoxAnimation.translate3d(ELeft,STop,0).opacity(1).step({duration: 0}); this.ballBoxAnimationData = this.ballBoxAnimation.export(); this.ballOuterAnimation.translate3d(SLeft - ELeft,0,0).opacity(1).step({duration: 0}); this.ballOuterAnimationData = this.ballOuterAnimation.export(); }, //隐藏小球
setEnd(){ this.ballBoxAnimation.opacity(0).step({duration: 0}); this.ballBoxAnimationData = this.ballBoxAnimation.export(); this.ballOuterAnimation.opacity(0).step({duration: 0}); this.ballOuterAnimationData = this.ballOuterAnimation.export(); } } } </script>
<style> .ballBox{ position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 9; /* 用颜色来演示用原理 */ /*background-color: #4CD964*/; height:30rpx; width:30rpx; } .ballOuter { background:red; height:100%; width:100%; border-radius: 50%; background-size: 100% 100%; background-position: center; } </style>