<template> <view class="container" id="productPage"> <jumpBall :start.sync="num" :element.sync="element" @msg="jbMsg" :speed="animaTime" :index="9999"/> <!-- 滑动图片 --> <view class="carousel"> <swiper indicator-dots circular=true duration="400"> <swiper-item class="swiper-item" v-for="(item,index) in goodsInfoData.img" :key="index" @click="previewImg(item,goodsInfoData.img)"> <view class="image-wrapper"> <image :src="item" class="loaded" mode="aspectFill" ></image> </view> </swiper-item> </swiper> </view> <view class="container-box introduce-section" > <text class="title">{{ goodsInfoData.mc }}</text> <view class="tag-box"> <text class="tag-item">{{goodsInfoData.gg}}</text> </view> <!-- <view class="bot-row"> --> <!-- <text>月售{{ goodsInfoData.monthly_sales ? goodsInfoData.monthly_sales : 0 }}</text> --> <!-- <text>售量: {{ goodsInfoData.sellnum ? goodsInfoData.sellnum : 0 }}</text> --> <!-- <text>库存: {{goodsInfoData.kcnum}}</text> --> <!-- <text>浏览量: 768</text> --> <!-- </view> --> <!-- <text class="sdtext">{{goodsInfoData.sdtext}}</text> --> </view> <view class="container-box shopping-cart" :class="{'barBorder':showBorder}"> <view class="price-box" > <text class="price-tip" v-if="price>0">¥</text> <text class="price" v-if="price>0">{{ price }}</text> <text class="price" v-else></text> <text class="dw">{{goodsInfoData.dw}}</text> <!-- 显示原价打折 --> <!-- <block v-if="goodsInfoData.oldprice != 0 && goodsInfoData.oldprice > goodsInfoData.price"> <text class="m-price" >¥{{ goodsInfoData.oldprice }}</text> <text class="coupon-tip" >{{(goodsInfoData.price/goodsInfoData.oldprice * 10).toFixed(1)}}折</text> </block> --> </view> <!-- <view class="add-btn" v-if="goodsInfoData.kcnum" @click="addGoodsChange(1,goodsInfoData,true)"> <i class="hxicon icon-add" id="eleAdd"></i> <text>加入购物车</text> </view> --> <view class="spbz" v-if="goodsInfoData.inputnum"> <input style="font-size: 28upx;color: #41A863;" type="text" :value="goodsInfoData.bz" @input="inputchangeBz($event,goodsInfoData.bz,goodsInfoData.id)" placeholder="输入备注"> <input style="font-size: 28upx;color: #41A863;" type="text" :value="goodsInfoData.fudw" @input="inputchangeFudw($event,goodsInfoData.fudw,goodsInfoData.id)" placeholder="输入副单位"> </view> <view class="number" v-if="goodsInfoData.kcnum"> <view class="sub" @tap.stop="sub(goodsInfoData.id)" > <view class="jian">-</view> </view> <view class="input" @tap.stop="discard" > <input type="digit" v-model="goodsInfoData.inputnum==0?'':goodsInfoData.inputnum" @input="inputchange($event,goodsInfoData.inputnum,goodsInfoData.id,goodsInfoData.kcnum,0)" /> </view> <view class="add" @tap.stop="add(goodsInfoData.id)"> <view class="jia"> <image src="../../static/img/addicon.png"></image> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="line-weight"></view> <!-- <view class="c-list"> <view class="c-row b-b" @click="toggleSpec"> <text class="tit">规格选择</text> <view class="con"> <text class="selected-text" v-for="(sItem, sIndex) in specSelected" :key="sIndex"> {{sItem.name}} </text> </view> <text class="hxicon icon-right"></text> </view> </view> --> <view class="line-weight"></view> <!-- 详情 --> <view class="container-box"> <view class="tabs-box" > <view class="" style="width: 210px;height: 100%;"> <view class="hx-tabs"> <view class="hx-tabs-item" v-for="(item,i) in tabs" :key="i" :class="{'hx-tabs-active': swiperCurrent == i}" @click="swiperChange(i,item.id)" > <text>{{item.name}}</text> </view> <view class="hx-tabs-slider-box" :style="{left:swiperCurrentSliderLeft + 'px'}"> <view class="hx-tabs-slider"></view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="info-box" id="detail"> <view class="info-item" v-for="(item,i) in goodsInfoData.detail" :key="i"> <text class="left">{{item.tit}}:</text> <text class="right">{{item.txt}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="line-weight"></view> <view class="detail-desc" id="coll"> <view class="d-header"> <text>图文详情</text> </view> <rich-text :nodes="goodsInfoData.cpdesc"></rich-text> </view> <hx-preview-img :list.sync="previewImgList" :current.sync="currentImg" :start.sync="PINum"></hx-preview-img> </view> </template>
<script> import jumpBall from '@/components/hx-jump-ball/hx-jump-ball.vue'; import hxNumberBox from "@/components/uni-number-box/uni-number-box.vue"; import hxPreviewImg from "@/components/hx-preview-img/hx-preview-img.vue"; //引入测试数据
import testData from "@/common/testdata.js"; var statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight; export default{ components: { hxNumberBox, jumpBall, hxPreviewImg }, data() { return { specClass: 'none', specSelected:[], //tabs
tabs: [ {name:'详情',id: 'detail'}, {name:'图文',id: 'coll'}, ], swiperCurrent: 0, swiperCurrentSliderLeft: 0, showRing: true, showTabs: true, showBorder: false, favorite: true, //小球动画
num:1, element: [], animaTime: 300, cartAnimation: {}, cartAnimationData: {}, //购物车
shoppingCartAll:[], //商家信息
storeData: [], //显示购物车
showFoot:true, //配送费
shippingDees: 0, //配送起步价
startingPrice:0, //购物车商品价格合计
goodsTotalPrice: 0, //购物车商品数量合计
goodsTotalNumber: 0, //购物车
shoppCart: [], //foot 高度
footHeight: '0', //显示购物车
showCar: false, //购物车中商品滚动条位置
carGoodsScrollTop: 0, //购物车缓存 Storage 名称
shoppingCartStorageName: 'cartlist', //购物车显示折扣
showDiscount:true, //商品信息
goodsInfoData: {}, //商品评价
goodsEvaData: {}, currentImg: '', previewImgList: [], PINum: 0, specList: [ {id: 1, name: '尺寸',}, {id: 2, name: '颜色',}, ], specChildList: [ {id: 1, pid: 1, name: 'XS',}, {id: 2, pid: 1, name: 'S',}, {id: 3, pid: 1, name: 'M',}, {id: 4,pid: 1,name: 'L',}, {id: 5,pid: 1,name: 'XL',}, {id: 6,pid: 1,name: 'XXL',}, {id: 7,pid: 2,name: '白色',}, {id: 8,pid: 2,name: '珊瑚粉',}, {id: 9,pid: 2,name: '草木绿',}, ], gid:0, price:'',///传过来的价格
}; }, onShow(){ this.init(); }, filters: { toFixed:function(x) { return parseFloat(x).toFixed(2); } }, async onLoad(options){ let that = this; //接收传值,id里面放的是商品id
this.gid = options.gid; this.price=options.price; uni.showLoading({ title: '加载中' }); this.gooddetail(this.gid) //规格 默认选中第一条
this.specList.forEach(item=>{ for(let cItem of this.specChildList){ if(cItem.pid === item.id){ this.$set(cItem, 'selected', true); this.specSelected.push(cItem); break; //forEach不能使用break
} } }) this.cartAnimation = uni.createAnimation({ duration: 800, timingFunction: "ease", delay: 0 }); let userinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo'); this.add_read_record(this.gid,userinfo.uid); }, filters: { toFixed:function(x) { return parseFloat(x).toFixed(2); } }, methods:{ //减操作
sub(id) { let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (isexit.id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].num--; //数量减
if (getcartlist[i].num <= 0) { //删除当前商品缓存
getcartlist.splice(i, 1); uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} else { getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100 uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } } this.checkshownum(); }, // 增加数量,type 0-推荐商品,1-猜你喜欢商品
add(id) { let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); //首次加购物车
if (getcartlist == '') { let setcart=[]; setcart[0]=this.goodsInfoData; //计算每个商品的总价格
setcart.map((item, index) => { item.total = parseFloat((item.price * item.num) * 100) / 100 }); uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', setcart); } else { //已有商品在购物车
let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id); if (!isexit) { //购物车中还没当前商品
getcartlist.push(this.goodsInfoData); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100 } } uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist); } else { //存在
for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (isexit.id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].num++; //数量自增
if (getcartlist[i].num > getcartlist[i].kcnum) { uni.showToast({ title: '库存不足!', icon: 'none' }) break; //跳出循环
} else { getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100 uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } } } } this.checkshownum(); //更新本地储存
}, // input框直接加入购物车
inputadd(id, type,inputnum) { let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); //首次加购物车
if (getcartlist == '') { let goodsLists=[]; goodsLists[0]=this.goodsInfoData; //计算每个商品的总价格
goodsLists.map((item, index) => { item.total = parseFloat((item.price * inputnum) * 100) / 100; item.num = parseFloat(inputnum); }); uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', goodsLists); } else { //已有商品在购物车
let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id); if (!isexit) { //购物车中还没当前商品
this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'inputnum', inputnum); getcartlist.push(this.goodsInfoData); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { getcartlist[i].num=inputnum; getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100 } } uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist); } else { //存在
for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (isexit.id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].num=inputnum; //数量自增
if (getcartlist[i].num > getcartlist[i].kcnum) { uni.showToast({ title: '库存不足!', icon: 'none' }) break; //跳出循环
} else { getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100 uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } } } } this.checkshownum(); }, inputchange(inputsl,inputnum, id, kcnum,type) { inputnum=parseFloat(inputsl.detail.value); let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); if (inputnum > 0) { if (inputnum > kcnum) { uni.showToast({ title: '库存不足', icon: 'none' }) return; } this.inputadd(id,type,inputnum);//input框直接添加购物车
} else { for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].num = 0; uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } this.checkshownum(); } }, inputchangeBz(inputsl,inputnum, id) { inputnum=inputsl.detail.value; let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].bz = inputnum; uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } this.shoppCart=getcartlist; }, inputchangeFudw(inputsl,inputnum, id) { inputnum=inputsl.detail.value; let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
getcartlist[i].fudw = inputnum; uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) break; //跳出循环
} } this.shoppCart=getcartlist; }, //初始化购物车数据
checkshownum() { this.goodsTotalNumber=0; this.goodsTotalPrice=0; this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'inputnum', 0) let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) { if(this.goodsInfoData.id==getcartlist[i]['id']){ this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'inputnum', getcartlist[i]['num']) this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'bz', getcartlist[i]['bz']) this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'fudw', getcartlist[i]['fudw']) } if(getcartlist[i]['num']<=0){ getcartlist.splice(i, 1); break; }else{ //计算商品总价
this.goodsTotalPrice +=parseFloat(getcartlist[i].total*100)/100 ; //商品总数量
this.goodsTotalNumber += parseInt(getcartlist[i].num) } } uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist) this.shoppCart=getcartlist; }, //从本地存储中根据id获取数组
findidfromstor(id){ let arr=uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad'); for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(arr[i]['id']==id){ return arr[i]; break;//跳出循环
} } }, //添加浏览记录
async add_read_record(id,uid) { await this.$api.add_read_record({action:'add_read_record',cpid:id,uid:uid}); }, async gooddetail(gid) { let reinfo=await this.$api.gooddetail({action:'gooddetail',gid:gid}); this.goodsInfoData=reinfo.data; this.$set(this.goodsInfoData, 'price', this.price) this.checkshownum(); this.startingPrice=reinfo.data.lessmoney; // this.init();
uni.hideLoading(); }, async checkkc() { let that = this; let carts = uni.getStorageSync(that.shoppingCartStorageName) || []; that.goodsTotalPrice=0; // that.goodsTotalNumber=0;
let gids=''; for(let i in carts){ gids=gids+','+carts[i].id; } gids=gids.substr(1); let userinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo'); let reinfo=await this.$api.checkkc({action:'checkkc',gids:gids,uid:userinfo.uid}); let getcheckarr=reinfo.data; if(getcheckarr){ for(let i=0;i<getcheckarr.length;i++){ for(let j=0;j<carts.length;j++){ if(getcheckarr[i].id==carts[j].id){ this.$set(carts[j],'kucun',getcheckarr[i].kucun); this.$set(carts[j], 'price', getcheckarr[i].price); this.$set(carts[j], 'total', getcheckarr[i].price*carts[i].num); } } } } //根据缓存数据 获取购物车中属于本商店的商品
that.shoppCart=carts; for(let i in that.shoppCart){ if(that.shoppCart[i].num>0){ //计算商品总价
that.goodsTotalPrice +=parseFloat(that.shoppCart[i].total*100)/100 ; //商品总数量
// that.goodsTotalNumber += parseInt(that.shoppCart[i].num)
} } //初始化起步价和配送费
//that.startingPrice = 0;
that.shippingDees = 0; that.setLabelNumber(); }, init(){ this.checkkc(); }, //返回
backPage(){ // var pages = getCurrentPages().length;
// //console.log(pages);
// if(pages == 1){
// // uni.switchTab({
// // url: '/pages/index/index'
// // });
// uni.redirectTo({
// url: '/pages/index/index'
// });
// }else{
// uni.navigateBack();
// }
}, //tab 事件
swiperChange(index,idName) { this.swiperCurrent = index; this.swiperCurrentSliderLeft= 70 * index; //滚动至指定位置
//最终位置 = 目标节点坐标 - 目标节点坐标 - 状态栏高度 - 导航栏高度44 - 价格栏高度
let view = uni.createSelectorQuery().select("#productPage"); view.boundingClientRect(data => { let view2 = uni.createSelectorQuery().select("#" + idName); view2.boundingClientRect(data2 => { let view3 = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".shopping-cart"); view3.fields({ size: true }, res => { uni.pageScrollTo({ duration:300, scrollTop:data2.top - data.top - statusBarHeight - 44 - res.height }) }).exec(); }).exec(); }).exec(); }, //导航栏滑动时的操作
navbarScroll(scroll){ let top = scroll.scrollTop let that = this this.pageScrollTop = scroll.scrollTop let view = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".shopping-cart"); view.fields({ rect: true }, data => { if(data.top - statusBarHeight<= 44){ that.showBorder = true; }else{ that.showBorder = false; } }).exec(); if(top < 120){ that.showRing = true; }else{ that.showRing = false; this.navSearchBgOpacity = 1 this.navSearchColor = '#888888' } }, mpClear(e) { // TODO nvue 取消冒泡
e.stopPropagation() }, //显示购物车
showShoppingCar(){ if(this.goodsTotalNumber == 0){ return; } this.footHeight = '100%'; this.showCar = true; this.carGoodsScrollTop = 0; }, //隐藏购物车
hideShoppingCar(){ this.footHeight = '0'; this.showCar = false; }, //清空购物车
clearShoppingCart(){ let that = this; uni.showModal({ title: '温馨提示', content: '是否清空购物车?', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { that.shoppCart = []; that.storeData.shoppingCart = []; for(let i in that.shoppingCartAll){ if(that.shoppingCartAll[i].storeId == that.storeData.storeId){ that.shoppingCartAll[i] = that.storeData } } uni.setStorageSync(that.shoppingCartStorageName,that.shoppingCartAll); for(let i in that.goodsList){ that.goodsList[i].number = 0; } for(let i in that.categoryList){ that.categoryList[i].number = 0; } //购物车商品价格合计
that.goodsTotalPrice = 0; //购物车商品数量合计
that.goodsTotalNumber = 0; that.hideShoppingCar(); } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }); }, //增加商品后的回调事件
touchOnAddGoods(ele,data){ this.element = [ele,'.cart']; if(this.num<0){ uni.showToast({ title:'库存0' }) } this.num ++; }, //新增商品计算价格
addGoodsChange(number,dataArr,status){ number = Number(number) var that = this; let shoppCart = this.shoppCart; let totalPrice = 0; let totalNumber = 0; let existedGoods = false; //console.log(shoppCart,'当前shoppcart')
let rowData = { id: dataArr.id, mc: dataArr.mc, miaos: dataArr.miaos, img: dataArr.img[0], price: this.price, num:dataArr.num, gg:dataArr.gg, kcnum:dataArr.kcnum } var yes=0;//控制加入购物车小球
for(var i in shoppCart){ //非第一次添加
if(shoppCart[i].id == rowData.id){ //如果为加入购物车则为叠加
if(status){ number = shoppCart[i].num + number } if(this.goodsInfoData.kcnum<number){ uni.showToast({ title:'库存不足!', icon:'none' }); yes=1; break; } shoppCart[i].num = rowData.num = number; shoppCart[i].total =parseFloat((number * shoppCart[i].price)*100)/100; existedGoods = true; break; } } if(yes==0){ //点击添加购物车时生效
if(status){ that.element = ['#eleAdd','.cart']; that.num ++; }
if(!existedGoods){ rowData.num = number; rowData.total =parseFloat((number * rowData.price)*100)/100 shoppCart.push(rowData); } //计算总商品数量和总价
for(var i in shoppCart){ //总价
totalPrice +=parseFloat(shoppCart[i].total*100)/100 totalNumber += parseInt(shoppCart[i].num) } //更改商品列表中的已购买数量
for(let i in that.goodsList){ if(that.goodsList[i].id == rowData.id){ that.goodsList[i] = rowData break; } } that.shoppCart = shoppCart; if(that.goodsTotalPrice < totalPrice){ //更具小球动画延时更改数据
setTimeout(function(){ that.goodsTotalPrice = totalPrice that.goodsTotalNumber = totalNumber },that.animaTime + 150); }else{ that.goodsTotalPrice = totalPrice that.goodsTotalNumber = totalNumber } //门店第一次添加该商品
let isFirstAddGoods = true; //that.storeData.shoppingCart = that.shoppCart;
if(that.shoppCart.length>0){ isFirstAddGoods=false; } // for(let i in that.shoppingCartAll){
// that.shoppingCartAll[i] = that.storeData
// isFirstAddGoods = false
// }
that.setLabelNumber(); // if(isFirstAddGoods === true){
// that.shoppingCartAll.push(that.storeData)
// }
if(that.goodsTotalNumber == 0){ that.hideShoppingCar(); } //购物车商品数据缓存至本地
uni.setStorageSync(that.shoppingCartStorageName,that.shoppCart); } }, //计算每类商品购买的总数
setLabelNumber(){ let that = this; //计算每一类购买商品的总数量
for(let j in that.categoryList){ let n = 0; for(var i in that.shoppCart){ n += that.shoppCart[i].num; } that.categoryList[j].num = n; } }, //去结算
jiesuan(){ let userinfo=uni.getStorageSync('userinfo') if(userinfo.uid==''||userinfo.uid==undefined){ uni.showModal({ title: '温馨提示', content: '您还没登录,请登录', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { uni.navigateTo({ url:'/pages/user/login' }) } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }); }else{ let tmpList=[]; // this.shoppCart = uni.getStorageSync(this.shoppingCartStorageName) || [];
let len = this.shoppCart.length; for(let i=0;i<len;i++){ if(this.shoppCart[i].num>0){ tmpList.push(this.shoppCart[i]); } } if(tmpList.length<1){ uni.showToast({ title:'请选择商品结算', icon:'none' }); return ; } //获取消息模板
// wx.requestSubscribeMessage({
// tmplIds: ['xrga_0YidesSMMfOxNaLmzvpfu42RdOYaA85D8ru88k'],
// success (res) {}
// })
uni.setStorage({ key:'buylist', data:tmpList, success: () => { uni.navigateTo({ url:'../orderconfirmation/orderconfirmation' }) } }) } }, //联系商家
contact(){ uni.switchTab({ url:'../index/index' }) }, //小球回调
jbMsg(res){ let that = this; that.cartAnimation.matrix(1, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 7).step({duration: 100}) that.cartAnimationData = that.cartAnimation.export(); //动画在app端有bug,所以必须写延迟才能解决
setTimeout(function() { that.cartAnimation.matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0).step({duration: 150}); that.cartAnimationData = that.cartAnimation.export(); },100); }, //预览图片
previewImg(imgSrc,list){ this.currentImg = imgSrc this.previewImgList = list this.PINum++ }, //规格弹窗开关
toggleSpec() { if(this.specClass === 'show'){ this.specClass = 'hide'; setTimeout(() => { this.specClass = 'none'; }, 250); }else if(this.specClass === 'none'){ this.specClass = 'show'; } }, //选择规格
selectSpec(index, pid){ let list = this.specChildList; list.forEach(item=>{ if(item.pid === pid){ this.$set(item, 'selected', false); } })
this.$set(list[index], 'selected', true); //存储已选择
/** * 修复选择规格存储错误 * 将这几行代码替换即可 * 选择的规格存放在specSelected中 */ this.specSelected = []; list.forEach(item=>{ if(item.selected === true){ this.specSelected.push(item); } }) }, //分享
share(){ this.$refs.share.toggleMask(); }, //收藏
toFavorite(){ this.favorite = !this.favorite; }, buy(){ uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/shop/order/createOrder` }) }, stopPrevent(){}, },
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