You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1051 lines
32 KiB

6 months ago
  1. <template>
  2. <view>
  3. <!-- 状态栏 -->
  4. <view class="header">
  5. <view class="input-box" @tap="toSearch()">
  6. <input placeholder="输入商品名称" placeholder-style="color:#c0c0c0;" disabled="disabled" />
  7. <view class="icon search"></view>
  8. </view>
  9. </view>
  10. <!-- 占位 -->
  11. <view class="place"></view>
  12. <view class="toplist" style="position: relative;z-index: 1;">
  13. <mstabs :list="dfllist" v-model="dflindex" :lineAnimated="false" itemColor="#4D9864" lineColor="#4D9864"></mstabs>
  14. </view>
  15. <view class="category-list">
  16. <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="left" :scroll-into-view="leftIntoView">
  17. <view class="row" v-for="(category,index) in xfllist" :key="" :class="{ 'on':index==leftIndex }" @tap="leftTap(index)"
  18. :data-index="index" :id="'left-'+index">
  19. <view class="text">
  20. <view class="block"></view>
  21. {{category.fenlmc}}
  22. </view>
  23. </view>
  24. </scroll-view>
  25. <scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="isscoll" class="right" @scrolltolower="onscrolltolower" @scrolltoupper="onscrolltoupper" @scroll="mainScroll" :scroll-into-view="scrollInto"
  26. scroll-with-animation="true">
  27. <view class="right-goods" :style="{height:tiancheight+'px'}">
  28. <view class="category" v-for="(v,i) in prodata" :key="i" :id="'item-'+i">
  29. <view class="twoListName" v-if="v!=''">{{xfllist[i].fenlmc}}</view>
  30. <view class="good_list" v-for="(product,index) in v" :key="index" @click="toGoods(product)">
  31. <view class="goodleft">
  32. <image :src="product.img"></image>
  33. </view>
  34. <view class="goodright">
  35. <view class="cpmc">{{ }}&nbsp;{{}}{{product.dw}}</view>
  36. <view :class="product.miaosstyle" @tap.stop="changemiaosstyle(index)">
  37. {{product.miaos}}
  38. </view>
  39. <view>
  40. <text>{{ product.price }}</text>
  41. <text style="margin-left: 10upx;">库存&nbsp;{{ product.kcnum }}</text>
  42. </view>
  43. <!-- <view>
  44. <text class="sdtext">{{ product.sdtext }}</text>
  45. </view> -->
  46. <view style="padding:0upx 8upx; color: grey; display: flex;align-items: center;" @tap.stop v-if="product.inputnum">
  47. <input style="font-size: 28upx;color: #41A863;height: 40upx; line-height: 40upx; min-height: 40upx;" type="text" :value="" @input="inputchangeBz($event,,,product.kcnum,2)" placeholder="输入备注">
  48. <input style="font-size: 28upx;color: #41A863;height: 40upx; line-height: 40upx; min-height: 40upx;" type="text" :value="product.fudw" @input="inputchangeFudw($event,product.fudw,,product.kcnum,2)" placeholder="输入副单位">
  49. </view>
  50. <view class="rfoot">
  51. <view class="stopbuy" v-if="product.isokorder==0">
  52. {{product.opentime}}
  53. </view>
  54. <view class="p-b-btn" :class="{active: product.iscollect}" @click.stop="toFavorite(,index,0,i)">
  55. <text class="yticon icon-shoucang"></text>
  56. </view>
  57. <view class="nosell" v-if="product.kcnum<=0"><text>已售空</text></view>
  58. <view class="number" v-if="product.kcnum">
  59. <view class="sub" @tap.stop="sub(,i)">
  60. <view class="jian">-</view>
  61. </view>
  62. <view class="input" @tap.stop="discard" >
  63. <input type="digit" v-model="product.inputnum==0?'':product.inputnum" @input="inputchange($event,product.inputnum,,product.kcnum,i)" />
  64. </view>
  65. <view class="add" @tap.stop="add(,i,product.kcnum)">
  66. <view class="jia">
  67. <image src="../../static/img/addicon.png"></image>
  68. </view>
  69. </view>
  70. </view>
  71. </view>
  72. </view>
  73. </view>
  74. </view>
  75. <view class="loadtext">{{loadingText}}</view>
  76. </view>
  77. </scroll-view>
  78. </view>
  79. <!-- 脚部菜单 -->
  80. <view class="footer">
  81. <view class="settlement">
  82. <view class="sum">合计:<view class="money">{{sumPrice}}</view></view>
  83. <view class="btn" @tap="toConfirmation">确认加单({{productnum}})</view>
  84. </view>
  85. </view>
  86. </view>
  87. </template>
  88. <script>
  89. import mstabs from "@/components/ms-tabs/ms-tabs.vue";
  90. export default {
  91. components: {
  92. mstabs
  93. },
  94. data() {
  95. return {
  96. //分类列表
  97. dfllist: [],
  98. xfllist: [],
  99. dflindex: 0, //初始第一分类id
  100. xflid: 0,
  101. goodlist: [],
  102. cartlist: [], //购物车商品列表
  103. miaosstyle: 'miaos',
  104. scrollHeight: 0,
  105. prodata: [], //当前一级分类下所有属于二级分类的商品数据
  106. leftIndex: 0, //左边规定位置下标
  107. scrollInto: '', //滚动位置
  108. scrollTop: 0,
  109. old: {
  110. scrollTop: 0
  111. },
  112. aid: 0, //在页面保存其它页面传来的列表id ,做滚动列表位置
  113. twolevalid: [], //二级分类全部id
  114. isscoll: false, //scollview默认不可滑动,等待数据渲染完成之后可滑动
  115. isfirst: 0, //是否是第一进入页面
  116. level2: [],
  117. tiancheight:0,
  118. loadingText: '上滑加载更多...',
  119. flag:true,
  120. isPost:true,
  121. userinfo:[],
  122. productnum:0,
  123. sumPrice:0,
  124. dhid:0,
  125. tmp_data:[],
  126. pagenum:1,
  127. }
  128. },
  129. onPageScroll(e) {
  130. //兼容iOS端下拉时顶部漂移
  131. if (e.scrollTop >= 0) {
  132. this.headerPosition = "fixed";
  133. } else {
  134. this.headerPosition = "absolute";
  135. }
  136. },
  137. watch: {
  138. dflindex() {
  139. var that=this;
  140. this.xfllist = this.level2[this.dflindex];
  141. this.leftIndex=0;
  142. this.pagenum=1;
  143. this.tmp_data=[];
  144. that.getgoods(that.xfllist[0].id,0,1);
  145. }
  146. },
  147. onShow(e) {
  148. let dflid = getApp().globalData.dflid;
  149. let xflid = getApp().globalData.xflid;
  150. if (xflid!=''){
  151. this.init();
  152. }
  153. this.checkshownum();
  154. },
  155. onLoad(e) {
  156. this.dhid=e.dhid;
  157. this.init();
  158. },
  159. computed: {
  160. /* 计算左侧滚动位置定位 */
  161. leftIntoView() {
  162. return `left-${this.leftIndex}`;
  163. }
  164. },
  165. //加载更多
  166. methods: {
  167. toConfirmation(){
  168. if(this.productnum>0){
  169. uni.navigateTo({
  170. url:'../cart/cartjiad?dhid='+this.dhid
  171. })
  172. }else{
  173. uni.showToast({
  174. title:'请选择商品结算',
  175. icon:'none'
  176. });
  177. }
  178. },
  179. async init(){
  180. let t = this;
  181. this.userinfo = uni.getStorageSync('userinfo');
  182. //通过其他页面进来的定位
  183. let dflid = getApp().globalData.dflid;
  184. let xflid = getApp().globalData.xflid;
  185. getApp().globalData.dflid='';//获取了值就立马清空这个全局变量
  186. getApp().globalData.xflid='';//获取了值就立马清空这个全局变量
  187. let getdata = await this.$api.getcategory({
  188. action: 'categorys',
  189. pid: 0,
  190. uid: this.userinfo.uid,
  191. aid: this.userinfo.aid
  192. });
  193. this.dfllist =[0]; //一级分类
  194. this.level2 =[1]; //全部的二级分类
  195. for (let i = 0; i < this.dfllist.length; i++) {
  196. if (this.dfllist[i].id == dflid) {
  197. //通过id来定位下标
  198. this.dflindex = i;
  199. }
  200. }
  201. this.xfllist = this.level2[this.dflindex]; //当前选中的一级分类下的二级分类
  202. // // DOM 挂载后 再调用 getElementTop 获取高度的方法。
  203. this.$nextTick(function() {
  204. this.isscoll = true;
  205. uni.hideLoading()
  206. })
  207. let xflindex=0;
  208. if(xflid==''){
  209. xflid=this.xfllist[0].id;
  210. }
  211. for (let i = 0; i < this.xfllist.length; i++) {
  212. if (this.xfllist[i].id == xflid) {
  213. //通过id来定位下标
  214. xflindex = i;
  215. }
  216. }
  217. this.pagenum=1;
  218. this.tmp_data=[];
  219. this.getgoods(xflid,xflindex,1)//获取分类下的产品
  220. this.leftIndex=xflindex;
  221. this.isfirst = 1;
  222. },
  223. getsysteminfo(){
  224. let that=this;
  225. const {
  226. windowWidth,
  227. windowHeight
  228. } = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
  229. let scrollHeight = windowHeight - 95;
  230. that.tiancheight=scrollHeight+15;
  231. },
  232. //跳详情页
  233. toGoods(good) {
  234. uni.navigateTo({
  235. url: '../product/detailjiad?gid=' + + "&price=" + good.price
  236. })
  237. },
  238. //搜索跳转
  239. toSearch() {
  240. uni.showLoading({
  241. title: '加载中...'
  242. })
  243. uni.navigateTo({
  244. url: `/pages/search/search?type=1`
  245. })
  246. uni.hideLoading()
  247. //uni.showToast({title: "建议跳转到新页面做搜索功能"});
  248. },
  249. /* 左侧导航点击 */
  250. leftTap(key) {
  251. this.leftIndex = key;
  252. this.$nextTick(function() {
  253. this.pagenum=1;
  254. this.tmp_data=[];
  255. this.scrollTop = 0
  256. this.getgoods(this.xfllist[key].id,key,1);
  257. });
  258. },
  259. /* 主区域滚动监听 */
  260. mainScroll(e) {
  261. this.old.scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop;
  262. },
  263. onscrolltoupper(e){
  264. // let index=this.leftIndex-1;
  265. // let newlist=this.prodata;
  266. // this.prodata=[];
  267. // this.prodata=newlist;
  268. // if(index>=0 && index<this.xfllist.length){
  269. // let xflid=this.xfllist[index].id;
  270. // this.leftIndex=index;
  271. // this.getgoods(xflid,index,0);
  272. // }
  273. },
  274. onscrolltolower(e){
  275. // let index=this.leftIndex+1;
  276. // if(index>=0 && index<this.xfllist.length){
  277. // let xflid=this.xfllist[index].id;
  278. // this.leftIndex=index;
  279. // this.getgoods(xflid,index,0);
  280. // }else{
  281. // this.loadingText="无更多数据了!";
  282. // }
  283. let index=this.leftIndex+1;
  284. if(index>=0 && index<this.xfllist.length && this.tmp_data==''){
  285. this.pagenum=1;
  286. let xflid=this.xfllist[index].id;
  287. this.leftIndex=index;
  288. this.getgoods(xflid,index,0);
  289. }else if(this.tmp_data!=''){
  290. this.pagenum++;
  291. let xflid=this.xfllist[this.leftIndex].id;
  292. this.getgoods(xflid,this.leftIndex,0);
  293. }else{
  294. this.loadingText="无更多数据了!";
  295. }
  296. },
  297. //获取分类下的产品
  298. async getgoods(xflid,xflindex,lx) {
  299. // this.isPost=false;
  300. let that = this;
  301. that.scrollTop = 0; //定位右侧商品内容位置
  302. uni.showLoading({
  303. title: '正在加载...'
  304. })
  305. //通过二级分类查产品
  306. let getdata = await this.$api.getgoodlist({
  307. action: 'goodlist2',
  308. uid: this.userinfo.uid,
  309. fid: xflid,
  310. keywords: this.keyword,
  311. pagenum: this.pagenum,
  312. aid: this.userinfo.aid
  313. });
  314. if(lx==1){
  315. this.prodata=[];
  316. for(let i=0;i<=this.xfllist.length;i++){
  317. this.prodata[i]='';
  318. }
  319. }
  320. if ( == 0) {
  321. this.loadmore = 0;
  322. this.loadingText = "无更多数据";
  323. } else {
  324. this.tmp_data= this.tmp_data.concat(;
  325. this.prodata[xflindex] = this.tmp_data;
  326. }
  327. // this.prodata[xflindex] =;
  328. // that.$forceUpdate();
  329. this.$nextTick(function() {
  330. uni.hideLoading();
  331. that.getsysteminfo();
  332. })
  333. if(lx==1){
  334. that.scrollTop = that.old.scrollTop;
  335. that.$nextTick(function() { //初始化scollview的顶部位置,每次切换tab时top值必须为空0
  336. that.scrollTop = 0;
  337. })
  338. that.$forceUpdate();
  339. }
  340. this.checkshownum();
  341. },
  342. async addcollection(id, index, a, levalkey) {
  343. let type = !this.prodata[levalkey][index].iscollect;
  344. if (this.userinfo) {
  345. let redata = await this.$api.addcollection({
  346. action: 'addcollection',
  347. type: type,
  348. uid: this.userinfo.uid,
  349. id: id,
  350. aid: this.userinfo.uid,
  351. });
  352. uni.showToast({
  353. title: redata.msg,
  354. icon: 'none'
  355. })
  356. if (redata.code == 1) {
  357. this.prodata[levalkey][index].iscollect = !this.prodata[levalkey][index].iscollect;
  358. }
  359. this.$forceUpdate();
  360. } else {
  361. uni.navigateTo({
  362. url: '/pages/user/login'
  363. })
  364. }
  365. },
  366. //收藏
  367. toFavorite(id, index, type, key) {
  368. this.addcollection(id, index, type, key);
  369. },
  370. //减操作
  371. sub(id) {
  372. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  373. let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id);
  374. let delid = 0;
  375. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  376. if ( == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  377. getcartlist[i].num--; //数量减
  378. if (getcartlist[i].num <= 0) {
  379. //删除当前商品缓存
  380. getcartlist.splice(i, 1);
  381. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  382. break; //跳出循环
  383. } else {
  384. getcartlist[i].total = getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price
  385. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  386. break; //跳出循环
  387. }
  388. }
  389. }
  390. this.checkshownum();
  391. },
  392. // 增加数量,type 0-推荐商品,1-猜你喜欢商品
  393. add(id, key,cknum) {
  394. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  395. //首次加购物车
  396. if (getcartlist == '') {
  397. this.cartlist = [];
  398. this.cartlist.push(this.findarrbyid(id, key));
  399. //计算每个商品的总价格
  400., index) => {
  401. = item.price * item.num
  402. });
  403. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', this.cartlist);
  404. } else {
  405. //已有商品在购物车
  406. let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id, key);
  407. if (!isexit) {
  408. //购物车中还没当前商品
  409. //不存在
  410. getcartlist.push(this.findarrbyid(id, key));
  411. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  412. if (id == getcartlist[i].id) {
  413. getcartlist[i].total = getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price
  414. }
  415. }
  416. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist);
  417. } else {
  418. //存在
  419. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  420. if ( == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  421. if(cknum<=getcartlist[i].num){
  422. uni.showToast({
  423. title:'库存不足!',
  424. icon:'none'
  425. });
  426. break; //跳出循环
  427. }
  428. getcartlist[i].num++; //数量自增
  429. getcartlist[i].total = getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price
  430. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  431. break; //跳出循环
  432. }
  433. }
  434. }
  435. }
  436. this.checkshownum();
  437. },
  438. // input框直接加入购物车
  439. inputadd(id,key,inputnum) {
  440. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  441. //首次加购物车
  442. if (getcartlist == '') {
  443. this.cartlist = [];
  444. this.cartlist.push(this.findarrbyid(id, key));
  445. //计算每个商品的总价格
  446., index) => {
  447. = parseFloat((item.price * inputnum) * 100) / 100;
  448. item.num = parseFloat(inputnum);
  449. });
  450. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', this.cartlist);
  451. } else {
  452. //已有商品在购物车
  453. let isexit = this.findidfromstor(id, key);
  454. if (!isexit) {
  455. //购物车中还没当前商品
  456. //不存在
  457. getcartlist.push(this.findarrbyid(id, key));
  458. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  459. if (id == getcartlist[i].id) {
  460. getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((inputnum * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100;
  461. getcartlist[i].num = parseFloat(inputnum);
  462. }
  463. }
  464. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist);
  465. } else {
  466. //存在
  467. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  468. if ( == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  469. getcartlist[i].num=inputnum; //数量自增
  470. if(getcartlist[i].kcnum<=getcartlist[i].num){
  471. uni.showToast({
  472. title:'库存不足!',
  473. icon:'none'
  474. });
  475. break; //跳出循环
  476. }
  477. getcartlist[i].total = parseFloat((getcartlist[i].num * getcartlist[i].price) * 100) / 100
  478. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  479. break; //跳出循环
  480. }
  481. }
  482. }
  483. }
  484. this.checkshownum();
  485. },
  486. inputchange(inputsl,inputnum, id, kcnum,key) {
  487. inputnum=parseFloat(inputsl.detail.value);
  488. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  489. if (inputnum > 0) {
  490. if (inputnum > kcnum) {
  491. uni.showToast({
  492. title: '库存不足',
  493. icon: 'none'
  494. })
  495. return;
  496. }
  497. this.inputadd(id,key,inputnum);//input框直接添加购物车
  498. } else {
  499. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  500. if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  501. getcartlist[i].num = 0;
  502. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  503. break; //跳出循环
  504. }
  505. }
  506. this.checkshownum();
  507. }
  508. },
  509. inputchangeBz(inputsl,inputnum, id, kcnum,type) {
  510. inputnum=inputsl.detail.value;
  511. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  512. let isbz=0;
  513. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  514. if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  515. getcartlist[i].bz = inputnum;
  516. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  517. isbz=1;
  518. break; //跳出循环
  519. }
  520. }
  521. if(isbz==0){
  522. uni.showToast({title:'请您输入数量后再填备注',icon:'none'});
  523. return;
  524. }
  525. this.checkshownum();
  526. },
  527. inputchangeFudw(inputsl,inputnum, id, kcnum,type) {
  528. inputnum=inputsl.detail.value;
  529. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  530. let is=0;
  531. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  532. if (id == getcartlist[i].id) { //找到商品一样的商品
  533. getcartlist[i].fudw = inputnum;
  534. uni.setStorageSync('cartlistjiad', getcartlist)
  535. is=1;
  536. break; //跳出循环
  537. }
  538. }
  539. if(is==0){
  540. uni.showToast({title:'请您输入数量后再填副单位',icon:'none'});
  541. return;
  542. }
  543. this.checkshownum();
  544. },
  545. //初始化购物车数据
  546. checkshownum() {
  547. let getcartlist = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  548. let carid = [];let carbz = [];let carfudw = [];
  549. let prodata = this.prodata;
  550. let money=0;let pronum=0;
  551. for (let i = 0; i < getcartlist.length; i++) {
  552. if(getcartlist[i]!=''){
  553. let num = carid[getcartlist[i]['id']] || 0
  554. carid[getcartlist[i]['id']] = parseFloat(num) + parseFloat(getcartlist[i]['num']);
  555. carbz[getcartlist[i]['id']] = getcartlist[i]['bz'];
  556. carfudw[getcartlist[i]['id']] = getcartlist[i]['fudw'];
  557. money=money+getcartlist[i]['total'];
  558. pronum=pronum+1;
  559. }
  560. }
  561. this.sumPrice=money.toFixed(2);
  562. this.productnum=pronum;
  563. for (let i = 0; i < prodata.length; i++) {
  564. if(prodata[i]!=''){
  565. for (let y = 0; y < prodata[i].length; y++) {
  566. if (carid[prodata[i][y]['id']]) {
  567. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'inputnum', carid[prodata[i][y]['id']])
  568. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'bz', carbz[prodata[i][y]['id']])
  569. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'fudw', carfudw[prodata[i][y]['id']])
  570. } else {
  571. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'inputnum', 0)
  572. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'bz', '')
  573. this.$set(this.prodata[i][y], 'fudw', '')
  574. }
  575. }
  576. }
  577. }
  578. this.$forceUpdate();
  579. },
  580. //查找商品
  581. findarrbyid(id, key) {
  582. let arr = this.prodata[key];
  583. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  584. if (arr[i]['id'] == id) {
  585. //console.log(arr[i],'要保存的东西')
  586. return arr[i];
  587. break; //跳出循环
  588. }
  589. }
  590. },
  591. //从本地存储中根据id获取数组
  592. findidfromstor(id) {
  593. let arr = uni.getStorageSync('cartlistjiad');
  594. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  595. if (arr[i]['id'] == id) {
  596. return arr[i];
  597. break; //跳出循环
  598. }
  599. }
  600. },
  601. //点击改变描述显示
  602. changemiaosstyle(index) {
  603. let item = this.goodlist[index]
  604. item.checked = !item.checked
  605. if (item.miaosstyle == 'miaos') {
  606. item.miaosstyle = 'miaosshow';
  607. } else {
  608. item.miaosstyle = 'miaos';
  609. }
  610. this.$set(this.goodlist, index, item)
  611. },
  612. discard() {
  613. //丢弃,防止事件冒泡而设
  614. }
  615. }
  616. }
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  845. //收藏样式
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